[GRASS-user] v.in.dxf crashes

William Kyngesburye woklist at kyngchaos.com
Wed Nov 26 11:56:30 EST 2008

On Nov 26, 2008, at 9:14 AM, Kurt Springs wrote:

> On GRASS 6.3 I use X11 on Mac OS X 10.5.5 (aka Leopard).  I agree  
> that the problem is with Active tcl 8.5.  Having used the two, I  
> have found X11 to be much more stable.  How easy would it be to  
> compile a 6.4 to use X11?
Not hard at all...

Note that not only is the type of TclTk different - Aqua vs X11, but  
the version as well: 8.4 X11 for GRASS 6.3, 8.5 Aqua for GRASS 6.4.   
Maybe there is an issue with TclTk 8.5?

It's not possible to build a working (for GRASS) TclTk 8.4 Aqua - some  
Aqua issues were fixed in 8.5.

I guess the thing to try is TclTk 8.5 X11, to test if it's a version  

Do you have a small DXF that crashes for you that I could test with?

>>>>> I tried a simple layer and it still crashed.  I got the message
>>>>> "The application  Wish quit unexpectedly."
>>>>> I didn't have this problem with 6.3.

Check for a crashlog in Console.app.  This could help.  Especially  
since it would have some paths to verify which wish is running.

>> I don't think that the wish related part in GRASS 6.3 was different.
>> More likely, did you use a different Tcl version?
>>>>> In Console Messages I get:
>>>>> 11/25/08 1:10:45 PM Terminal[8482] .sdef error: Operation
>>>>> could not be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 1549.)
>>>>> 11/25/08 1:10:45 PM Terminal[8482] line number: 2
>>>>> Hope this means something to someone.
>> Searching in the net shows a couple of similar messages, apparently
>> related to Active tcl 8.5 (and not GRASS).
>> Markus
ActiveTcl or Aqua TclTk?  (google didn't turn up anything for me)

sdef... that's scripting (Applescript) definitions for OSX (Wish.app  
is scriptable, to run a Tcl script).  ... the AS dictionary for  
wish.app opens in Script Editor... Wish.app runs fine alone...   
hopefully a crashlog will help...

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

Earth: "Mostly harmless"

- revised entry in the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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