[GRASS-user] calibration of the Landsat thermal data

Niels Thevs thevs at uni-greifswald.de
Thu Sep 25 08:54:18 EDT 2008

Dear Grass users,

does anybody have experience with the calibration of the Landsat thermal 
data ? I have a few ground measurements of temperature (air temperature 
in 2 m above surface) and want to relate them to a corresponding Landsat 
image (band 6). In the papers which I read there are listed a lot of 
working steps like calibration for at sensor radiance, surface radiance, 
etc. Is it necessary to do all those steps or does anybody know a more 
simple algorithm ?

Best regards



Dr. Niels Thevs
Chair of Geobotany and Landscape Ecology
Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology
Greifswald University
Grimmer Strasse 88
17487 Greifswald

Tel.: +49-3834-86-4137
Fax:  +49-3834-86-4114


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