[GRASS-user] Working with large images

Ned Horning horning at amnh.org
Sun Apr 26 09:53:19 EDT 2009


When I run gdalinfo I get the following error: "ERROR 4: This is a 
BigTIFF file. BigTIFF is not support by this version of GDAL and libtiff"

The command line runs GDAL version 1.5.4


Moritz Lennert wrote:
> On 26/04/09 12:13, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
>> Nikos:
>>>> In Ubuntu repositories there is libgdal version 1.5 and I think it
>>>> supports (by default) BigTIFF. I am not sure though.
>> Moritz:
>>> In Intrepid and Jaunty it is 1.5 compiled with 
>>> --with-geotiff=internal, so it should work.
>> Is this the same as "--with-libtiff=internal"? 
> No, sorry, your right, my bad.
> The Ubuntu GDAL links to an external libtiff4 so this should take of it.
> Ned, what does gdalinfo on the command line give you for this large 
> file ?
> Moritz

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