[GRASS-user] v.patch: Correct Syntax?

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Wed Dec 30 17:33:52 EST 2009

On Tue, 29 Dec 2009, Hamish wrote:

> you want v.overlay or v.select, not v.patch.

   Simple tool, but I somehow messed it up. I get either the bmap or a blank
display monitor. I suspect that what I need is the outline of the area used
as the clipping boundary, not a polygon of that area.

   I created the map using g.region for the area of interest, and named that
region 'abernethy'. Yet running v.overlay like this:

GRASS 6.5.svn (Oregon):/usr4/grassbase > v.overlay ainput=clack_soilmapunits
atype=area binput=abernethy btype=area output=bl_soilmapunits

produces a solid rectangle for the output. According to the v.overlay man
page the only type option for 'b' is area. When I overlay ainput=basins the
output is blank.

   Do I use v.type on the 'b' map to convert the area to boundary lines?


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