[GRASS-user] grass startup cmd line

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Feb 11 10:09:10 EST 2009

On 11/02/09 09:21, Vincent Bain wrote:
> Thank you Hamish,
> As you suggest, I wrote a shell script containing the instruction g.gui
> workspace=...
> After declaring the GRASS_BATCH_JOB variable, and launching grass in
> text mode, the wxpython GUI starts and my_workspace loads correctly, but
> the problem is I can't get the control on the process ; I guess grass is
> waiting for instructions from /within/ the shell script !
> Otherwise I tried to pipe the command like this :
> echo 'g.gui gui=wxpython workspace=my_workspace.gxw' | grass64 -text
> my_gisbase/my_location/my_mapset
> There again gui and workspace load properly but the grass prompt does
> not appear.

g.gui does not release automatically after the start of the GUI, so this 
should probably be:

echo 'g.gui gui=wxpython workspace=my_workspace.gxw &' | grass64 -text 

(note the '&')


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