[GRASS-user] v.out.ogr to KML ERROR 1: Latitude is invalide

maven apache apachemaven0 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 05:30:53 EDT 2009

2009/6/19 Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com>

> Moritz wrote:
> > Sorry, just reread your message, and my answer is probably
> > not really helpful. In fact v.out.ogr does transform your
> > data to EPSG 4326, as the following message shows:
> >
> > >> Warning 1: Longitude 638073.992861 has been modified to fit into range
> > >> [-180,180]. This warning will not be issued any more
> by "modified" I would guess that it means it just throws away anything
> out of that range, or sets it to the nearest -180,180 edge, not
> reprojecting it.

This is true, I got a kml, but the range is obviously false.

> > You still might want to try to reproject (v.proj) to EPSG
> > 4326, just to see what happens.
> probably required. if so probably update the v.out.ogr help page and
> perhaps add something like this in the code:
>  if( G_strcasecmp(frmt_opt->answer, "KML") == 0  &&
>     G_projection != PROJECTION_LL )
>   G_fatal_error(_("KML format requires lat/lon data"));
> or if you really wanted you could have it try to reproject to WGS84 LL
> in the program instead of giving that fatal error.

I am trying to change the projection ,but have not successed......
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