[GRASS-user] EPSG 3035

Laura Poggio laura.poggio at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 11:57:38 EDT 2009

Dear all,
I am starting to use GRASS and I am trying to set up a location with the
LAEA ETRS89 projection (EPSG 3035).
First I set up the location using the EPSG code and the I tried to import a
geotiff with the same projection (created with gdal_translate). However I
got the error "Projection of dataset does not appear to match current
Then I set up the location using the georeferenced file itself, I tried to
import the same file and I got the same error.

I can manage to import the file using the -o option and over-riding
projection check, but I would like to understand and possible solve the

I am using GRASS63 under linux.

Thank you very much in advance

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