[GRASS-user] Exporting attributes to GMT ASCII format using v.out.ogr

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 17 17:49:16 EDT 2009

> I'm using v.out.ogr to export GRASS vectors to GMT format.
> The geometry exports fine, but the attributes don't seem
> to be in the GMT file after the export finishes. I can see
> the attribute column names in the GMT header portion of
> the file, but all I get in the data columns are the x
> and y, followed by a zero in the third column. 
> Any special CREATEOPT parameters that need to be passed? I
> checked on the OGR website and there wasn't any hints about
> it; same with the v.out.ogr manual (GMT format isn't even
> mentioned there).

no new help to offer, but if you find something out it would be
good to add it to the wiki page:


if nothing on the format page at the GDAL/OGR website, for CREATEOPT
you might have to go exploring in the OGR source code.



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