[GRASS-user] Raster legend

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 29 11:20:07 EDT 2009

Martin Album Ytre-Eide wrote:
> I am displaying a raster where the values are logarithmic
> and that is fine. The d.legend gives me a nice legend, but I
> would like to convert the values in the legend to non
> logarithmic values (keeping the raster as it is). I can't
> find a way to do this in d.legend or r.colors.
> How is this done?

Are the actual values contained in the logarithmic? eg convert back
to normal with r.mapcalc pow(e, MAP) or pow(10, MAP)?

are the rules custom made?
does 'd.legend use=' help?

note the legend used does not have to match the raster it shows on,
you could do a trick where you make a list of the values you want
on the legend, calculate that their logs are, use r.what.color to
find the matching color, then use those colors with the de-logged

probably easier actually to copy the internal rules file in the
MAPSET's colr/ directory, convert the first column and range to de-
logged version, perhaps run r.mapcalc to make a delogged version of
the map (or any, just to get the range), copy in the adjusted colr/
file into the colr/ dir, then use that map for the legend.

does that make some sense?



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