[GRASS-user] feedback on v.vect.stats

Patrick_schirmer patrick_GIS at gmx.ch
Fri Dec 10 11:36:10 EST 2010

Hi Markus,

A short Feedback on the add-on "v.vect.stats" that you created.

Had an error saying "segmentation fault" for various reasons that were 
not precised any further:
Thought you might want to have a feedback eventually. I can't read 
"C"-lanuage and can't check the code. If this is the wrong place to give 
a feedback like this, please tell me where I should post this in future.

1.) columns "pcolumn, scolumn" are not created if not existing =>error 
is "segmentation fault"
2.) my "scolumn" was called "d_MEAN" in Postgresql. It seems postgresql 
does not recognize UPPER CASE. When I mentioned scolumn in the command 
with a upper case, error would be "typ must be double" instead of 
mentioning that the column was not existing
3.) pcolumn must be integer (not numeric). It will create error 
"segmentation fault" if not.

Then it worked great for points. (If you have a hint what approach I 
could take to perform the same analyses for lines that are completely in 
a polygon it would be great by the way).

greetz, Patrick

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