Fwd: [GRASS-user] I.class empty Xmonitor

Luisa Peña luisapena1979 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 05:16:16 EST 2010

I'm not using Debian but Ubuntu 9.10. I have xterm,  xvt, gnome-terminal and
ncurses-base. iS it necessary xtermcontrol or xtermset?

Besides i.class, the same happens with i.ortho.photo I mean, it's not

Thank you Hamish

Regarding « d.mon x0; i.class » command, is it possible to have a wxpython
GUI menu with that command? (I will have non-experience users using

2010/2/18 Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com>

> Luisa Peña wrote:
> > But regarding launching i.class from wxpython.
> > In 6.4 is not working.
> it works for me. shrug.
> > Is it suppose to work?
> yes.
> > Maybe it has something to do with some include that is required for
> > Xterm.
> I doubt it, but just to be sure, is the xterm package installed?
> (by default often it isn't these days, see http://bugs.debian.org/grass
> for a gnome-terminal issue)
> > Any thoughts? Because it's not practical to use
> > d.mon X0 bla bla bla
> Unless you are using WinGrass, the command line option is there and IMO
> it is really not that much trouble to type "d.mon x0; i.class".
> regards,
> Hamish
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