[GRASS-user] use nnbathy 1.96 as stand alone in windows7?

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 4 03:04:36 EDT 2011

J Layug wrote:
> Please bear with me as I'm new to GRASS. I want to interpolate
> 3D vectors points to create a raster DEM using the natural
> neighbor method. Can I compile and run nnbathy 1.96 in windows 7
> as an executable file without using the GRASS GIS platform?

nnbathy does not require GRASS to build or run, they are completely

as to if nnbathy can be ported to build on Windows7, I don't know,
but I'd note that the configuration script is based on UNIX
autoconf, which would suggest MacOSX and Linux as the target

I would guess that you could install Cygwin onto your Windows7
computer and build it in there, but for that some UNIX experience
is useful. Alternately you could install Ubuntu in a VirtualBox
VM and jump into the virtual machine to do your processing then
copy the results file back out to your normal MS Windows

good luck,

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