[GRASS-user] r.out.xyz problem floating point

Clémentine Fritsch clementine.fritsch at univ-fcomte.fr
Fri Jan 21 11:46:45 EST 2011

I need to export a x,y,z text file from an ascii file.

I have run r.out.xyz in GRASS 6.4.0 but the values of z in the output 
file are incorrect. To check, I have tried to export using r.out.ascii 
with the parameter “dp=2” and in this case, the values are correct. 
Therefore, I suppose that the problem is due to floating point.

I have unsuccessfully tried to specify the number of significant digits 
in r.out.xyz using “dp” parameter.

Is it possible to specify the number of significant digits in r.out.xyz?

If not, how could I export a x,y,z text file from my ascii?

Thanks for your help,


Clémentine Fritsch
PhD, post-doc researcher
UMR 6249 - Chrono-Environment
University of Franche-Comte
Place Leclerc
F-25030 Besançon Cedex
E-mail: clementine.fritsch at univ-fcomte.fr
Tel.: +33 (0) 381 665 710
Fax: +33 (0) 381 665 797

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