[GRASS-user] error

nsofina nsofina at gmx.de
Mon May 2 09:25:47 EDT 2011

Hi everybody! <http://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/Hi+everybody.html>

Some time ago I installed a new version of GRASS (GRASS 6.4.1 (2011) for 
Windows. And now I can't start some modules that I created by myself. I 
get the following error:

/Ungültiger Name der Vektorkarte <>. Darf nicht '.' oder 'NULL' enthalten./

/ERROR: Name der Ausgabe-Vektorkarte <> ist keine gültiger Kartenname./

I guess, this version of GRASS doesn't understand the definition of 
temporary files (for example, $TMPVECT)

# Begin of the script

#g.message "Remove temporary files"

# g.remove vect=tmp_points

# g.remove vect=tmp




cats=`v.db.select map=$GIS_OPT_INPUT1 columns=cat | sed "s/cat//g"`

echo "cats =" $cats

echo "# Object Number DPC value" > $GIS_OPT_OUTPUT1

for i in $cats


echo "i =" $i

# if [ $i -lt 14 ] ;

# then

# continue

# fi

v.extract input=$GIS_OPT_INPUT1 output=$TMPVECT list=$i

v.to.points -v -i input=$TMPVECT output=$POINTS type=boundary,area dmax=5

v.out.ascii input=$POINTS output=$points_txt


I like the new GRASS version and try to adjust it to my needs.

Perhaps anybody has had to facethe same problem or knows a solution?


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