[GRASS-user] Exporting Raster map with a GRASS colortable

Christian Röttger chris.roettger at uni-muenster.de
Fri Nov 4 07:12:32 EDT 2011

Am 31.10.2011 16:14, schrieb Markus Neteler:
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Christian Röttger
> <chris.roettger at uni-muenster.de>  wrote:
>> i just asked me the same question.
>> Which is the best way to export a NDVI from GRASS (to GeoServer) ?
>> Which format is best?
> Maybe this table is useful to decide:
> GIS Raster Benchmark: comparative benchmark
> http://www.gaia-gis.it/raster_benchmark/
>> Is it better to keep the colour table
> Yes, or export it...
>> or can somebody
>> provide a way to export and share the related .sld file?
> ... with
> http://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/html70_user/r.colors.out.html

Yes, but it only provides the color rules in text format. Correct me if 
i'm wrong.

Should GRASS not support the SLD standard, i mean thats why standards 
exist or? Or is this point already on the agenda?

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