[GRASS-user] Euclidean Allocation to calculate new cell values

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed May 9 04:50:55 EDT 2012

On 07/05/12 23:18, Tanya Dyck wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm wondering if there is a command that is similar to the euclidean
> allocation tool in ArcMap (similar to voronoi polygons in vector
> analysis)? I would like to calculate new cell values based on one raster
> with the shortest distance from the nearest input feature in another raster.

IIUC how euclidean allocation works, isn't this "just" r.grow.distance 
with the 'value' option ? I.e. (in the NC demo dataset):

g.region vect=schools_wake res=100 -a -p
v.to.rast schools_wake out=schools use=cat
r.grow.distance schools value=school_basin


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