[GRASS-user] convert many files together at once

Daniel Victoria daniel.victoria at gmail.com
Fri May 11 07:29:08 EDT 2012

There are several options. You could do a shell script to import all
files in grass (very easy in linux) or I believe grass gui has a batch
import feature. Also, QGis has a gdal plugin that will let you convert
several files at once (I think it's in raster / gdaltools /

To set the same color for all rasters, once in grass you can see what
is your high and low value and set the correct color for one of the
rasters. Then you just use r.colors to copy the colortable from one
raster to all the rest.


On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 5:23 AM, giannis Nj <netsagief at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> is there any option so I can convert many files or a folder (for example,
> 500 images from .asc to .tif) together at once, so that they will have
> matching color analysis? I use to do this untill now with Globalmapper, the
> "batch convert/reproject" option and I would like to do it through Grass or
> another open source gis program.
> Thank you.
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