[GRASS-user] Report from ongoing GRASS GIS Community Sprint in Prague

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun May 27 02:28:27 PDT 2012

Markus N wrote:
> Greetings from the GRASS GIS Community Sprint 2012 in Prague.
> With a peak participation of 16 persons, we are proceeding
> very well.

sounds fun! sorry to be missing out.

> Find the current activity report at:
> http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Talk:GRASS_Community_Sprint_Prague_2012

I just added a couple small wishes: two enhancements to the wiki Templates for grass7 addons linking and brittle wikipedia template, and a request for help fixing a bug on the grass7 wx loc'n wizard ellipsoid code (Planets and Moons).

> Photos will be uploaded soon!
> We are grateful for the support which we have received to
> organize this GRASS Community Sprint. Special thanks to our
> sponsors:
>  * GFOSS.it, the Italian OSGeo chapter) - 1400 Euro
>  * Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) - 1000 Euro
>  * FOSSGIS e.V. - 1000 Euro
>  * Stefan Sylla, sylla-consult, Frankfurt, Germany - 500 Euro
>  * Lubos Mitas, NC, USA - 200 Euro

kudos indeed :-)


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