[GRASS-user] releasebranch_6_4 Arch PKGBUILD - review

Maciej Sieczka msieczka at sieczka.org
Sat Jan 12 16:03:39 PST 2013


I'm attaching my Arch PKBUILD for GRASS releasebranch_6_4. Can you guys
please have a good look if there is anything wrong, missing, could be
done better/neater (including comments too)?

I'm going to come up with similar PKBUILDs for develbranch_6, trunk and
most recent 6.4 RC as well, and publish them all on AUR
(https://aur.archlinux.org), so that it's easy to have multiple, uniform
GRASS versions installed in parallel on Arch.

There are a couple of GRASS PKBUILDs in AUR already, but some of them
conflict each other, have different sets of build options enabled and
they mess with the source more than really needed.

BTW: Will the TK 8.6 fix
http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/1843#comment:8 be applied to
releasebranch_6_4 and releasebranch_6?


Maciej Sieczka
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