[GRASS-user] Landsat 8 Color Matching

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Tue Aug 16 03:22:12 PDT 2016

Michele Toma:

>I have multiple Landsat 8 scenes taken on the same day/same path, but
>they vary in brightness. I believe this to be caused by the time of day
>that the image was taken as the northern image is brighter (taken
>earlier in the day) and the southern image is darker (taken later in
>the day). This has occurred for multiple images. Is there a way to make
>the colors match between tiles?
>I've attempted to use i.histo.match on my composite rgb images which
>resulted in distorted colors. Should this tool only be used on
>grayscale images?

You would want to perform histogram matching after the conversion to
radiance/reflectance and before composing an RGB image.

>Are there other GRASS tools I am not aware of that I
>should be using? Is the color distortion caused by any of the other
>tools that I am using?
>Below are the steps that I've taken to process my images:
>1.       Import all Landsat 8 bands to GRASS 7.0.4
>2.       Convert DN to reflectance
>a.       i.landsat.toar input=LC81100362016082LGN00_B output=LC81100362016082LGN00_refl metfile=LC81100362016082LGN00_MTL.txt
>3.       Pansharpen using i.fusion.hpf
>a.       i.fusion.hpf pan=LC81100362016082LGN00_relf8 msx=LC81100362016082LGN00_refl4, LC81100362016082LGN00_relf3, LC81100362016082LGN00_refl2 suffix=hpf
>4.       Histogram equalization
>a.       r.colors -e map=LC81100362016082LGN00_refl4.hpf color=grey

Note, this merely retouched the "color-table" and not the data itself.


>5.       Color balance using i.colors.enhance
>a.       i.colors.enhance red=LC81100362016082LGN00_refl4.hpf green=LC81100362016082LGN00_refl3.hpf blue=LC81100362016082LGN00_refl2.hpf
>6.       Set region
>a.       g.region raster=LC81100362016082LGN00_refl2.hpf
>7.       Create RGB composite
>a.       r.composite red=LC81100362016082LGN00_refl4.hpf green=LC81100362016082LGN00_refl3.hpf blue=LC81100362016082LGN00_refl2.hpf output=LC81100362016082LGN00_refl_rgb
>8.       Export image
>a.       r.out.gdal input= LC81100362016082LGN00_refl_rgb output= LC81100362016082LGN00.tif format='GTiff'

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