[GRASS-user] wxNViz/3D vector display (grass 7.2RC2) on MacOS

Vincent Habchi vince at macports.org
Wed Dec 28 12:00:45 PST 2016


sorry for chiming in a bit late on this list. As I explained in my previous message, I’m in charge of maintaining grass7 for the MacPorts project.

Grass 7.2 (RC2) seems to run fairly well, barring bugs in wxPython 3 (e.g. removing a layer from the layer display using the embedded menu instead of the - icon). My main gripe is with the 3D view. While it seems to work with raster, I can’t get a single 3D object to be correctly displayed. I just get awful black and white triangles, irrespective of what I use: 2D data or 3D data resulting from the extrusion of 2D. I’ve done tons of trials, used ST_Extrude in PostGIS/SFCGAL to get polyhedrons, etc. No dice.

Rotten luck, I’m in the middle of writing an article about 3D capabilities of open source software for the magazine I work for, and I would really avoid writing that Grass 3D view is wonky.

And help would be appreciated.

Thanks a bunch!

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