[GRASS-user] Problem in moving or deleting a vertex in the Vector Digitizer

Aldo CLERICI aldo.clerici at unipr.it
Sun Jun 5 03:39:30 PDT 2016

Checked with GRASS for Windows 7.0.3, 7.0.4 Stand-alone installer under Windows 7,8,10 with many different PCs.
Problem A

1)      I entered the Vector Digitizer creating a new map named map_3 (in Spearfish, user1) with the option Create attribute table activated (fig.1).

2)      I didn't add any column to the table.

3)      I selected Manual entry, Category number 1  and Add new record into table not selected in Attributes (Digitization setting).

4)      I digitized a simple line (fig.2).

5)      When I try to move (or delete) a vertex I have an error message (Fig.3). The vertex is moved (or deleted) by closing the error panel and clicking ctrl+left button.

Problem B

1)      I entered the Vector Digitizer creating a new map (in Spearfish, user1) with the option Create attribute table activated.

2)      I didn't add any column to the table.

3)      I selected Manual entry, Category number 1  and Add new record into table in Attributes (Digitization setting).

4)      I digitized a simple line.

5)      When I try to move a vertex a line appears in the Map display joining the upper left corner of the monitor with the cursor position (fig.4)

If the option Create attribute table is non activated in entering the Vector Digitizer the moving or deleting vertex command works well.

Where did I go wrong?

Thanks in advance.
Aldo Clerici

Il 5xmille a favore dell'Universit? di Parma (indicando il codice fiscale 00308780345) ? un gesto tanto semplice quanto importante per creare nuove opportunit? di lavoro per giovani di talento nell'ambito della ricerca scientifica.
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