[GRASS-user] Unable to remove misc element

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Fri Mar 10 07:29:43 PST 2017

[Please keep discussions on the list]

On 10/03/17 09:46, andry rustanto wrote:
> Actually i want to crop some images using my aoi. I run grass loop in
> R, import one by one the images, crop and export the result into
> .tif, and delete the imported file. When the warning appear then the
> loop was stop prematurely, sometime after one loop, another time
> after several loops. I hope this can explain what i'am doing.

Without seeing your R code it is difficult to know why the loop stops.

The warning just indicates that g.remove tried to remove something that 
didn't exist. Generally, this should not cause any problems.


> Pada 10 Mar 2017, pukul 09.23, Moritz Lennert
> <mlennert at club.worldonline.be> menulis:
>>> On 10/03/17 01:52, andry rustanto wrote: Dear GRASS users and
>>> experts,
>>> I have an error when execute g.remove:
>>> WARNING: Unable to remove misc element
>>> which make my looping stop.
>>> Any idea how to deal with this warning and make the loop
>>> continue?
>> I don't know how you are looping, but this is a warning, not an
>> error and normally does not stop programs. So more details about
>> what you are doing would help us help you :-)
>> Moritz

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