[GRASS-user] [hole in vector layer import]

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Fri Mar 17 01:36:18 PDT 2017

On 17/03/17 05:33, Ang Sherpa wrote:
> When I import ESRI shapefile into Grass gis with steps [file - import
> vector - common import format], some of parcels from layer will be
> missing. Thus the shapefile will have hole in between once imported in
> Grass GIS. Did I do something wrong?

Check the output of the import process. Probably the shapefile has 
topological errors (overlaps, non-closes polygons, etc) and this can 
lead to some polygons not being complete areas after import.

You might have to set the snap parameter during import (the module 
probably provides a message about a possible value for this parameter).


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