[GRASS-user] Downloading EuroLST data

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Fri May 12 04:08:15 PDT 2017

* Nikos Alexandris <nik at nikosalexandris.net> [2017-05-12 12:37:18 +0200]:

>* Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org> [2017-05-12 11:49:16 +0200]:
>>On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Nikos Alexandris
>><nik at nikosalexandris.net> wrote:
>>> * Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org> [2017-05-11 23:31:46 +0200]:
>>>> On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 5:40 PM, Nikos Alexandris
>>>>> Dear list,
>>>>> (EuroLST authors in Cc)
>>>>> is there documented access to EuroLST data via something like
>>>>> r.in.wms url=http://geodati.fmach.it/production/ows_europe_lst
>>>>> layers=eurolst_clim_bio01 srs=3035 ... urlparams='time=2012-1-1'
>>>>> ?
>>>> Yes:
>>>> r.in.wms url="http://geodati.fmach.it/production/ows_europe_lst" -c |
>>>> grep Abstract
>>>>  <Abstract>Bioclim data derived from gap-filled MODIS-LST
>>>> (EuroLST)</Abstract>
>>>>    <Abstract>Bioclim data derived from gap-filled MODIS-LST
>>>> (EuroLST)</Abstract>
>>>>        <Abstract>Annual mean temperature (deg C * 10)</Abstract>
>>>>        <Abstract>Mean diurnal range as the mean of monthly (max temp
>>>> - min temp) (deg C * 10)</Abstract>
>>>>        <Abstract>Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7 * 100)</Abstract>
>>>>        <Abstract>Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *
>>>> 100)</Abstract>
>>>>        <Abstract>Max Temperature of Warmest Month (deg C * 10)</Abstract>
>>>>        <Abstract>Min Temperature of Coldest Month (deg C * 10)</Abstract>
>>>>        <Abstract>Temperature Annual Range (BIO5 - BIO6) (deg C *
>>>> 10)</Abstract>
>>>>        <Abstract>Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter (deg C *
>>>> 10)</Abstract>
>>>>        <Abstract>Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter (deg C *
>>>> 10)</Abstract>
>>> The capabilities work fine. Getting/reading in data isn't though.
>Just a confirmation that it works for a small test area.  I guess it
>takes for a good network connection to get larger areas downloaded.
>Hm?  Maybe tile the area of interest and download data per tile? Would
>that be possible in parallel?

Dear list,

perhaps I was not clear:  I ocnfirm actually that I can download data,
for example inside a 100x100 pix. region.

I wonder if anyone has scripted around to get larger "computational regions"
more efficiently than just querying directly which would require a fast and
solid network connection, and patience.

Thanks, Nikos

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