[GRASS-user] Error importing 3d csv in grass

Anna Petrášová kratochanna at gmail.com
Mon May 23 20:39:17 PDT 2022


please keep the conversation on the user mailing list.

Have you tried to display it with isosurfaces or slices? See this workshop,
there is a part showing how to create and visualize 3D rasters:


On Fri, May 20, 2022 at 12:36 PM Enrique Torres Moya <etorresmoya at gmail.com>

> Dear Anna, thanks, with cat =0, the data can be loaded, and I could see
> the data in 2d, but I created the raster 3d, but I cannot see in 3d view,
> ot in voxel.
> Please, I will be thanksfull with any indications.
> Best regards,
> Enrique T
> El mié., 18 de mayo de 2022 8:43 a. m., Anna Petrášová <
> kratochanna at gmail.com> escribió:
>> Hi,
>> my guess is that the values in column 5 are not unique, which is a
>> problem, because you specified it as cat column, which should be the
>> primary key. So try cat=0 if that helps, that will autogenerate the cat
>> column with unique categories.
>> Anna
>> On Sun, May 8, 2022 at 2:25 AM Helmut Kudrnovsky <hellik at web.de> wrote:
>>> >v.in.ascii --overwrite
>>> >input=/home/etorresm/Desktop/Vajont_Export_res_integer.csv
>>> >output=voxel_res_int separator=comma skip=1 x=2 y=3 z=4 cat=5
>>> [...]
>>> >UNIQUE constraint failed: voxel_res_int.int_5
>>> >DBMI-SQLite driver error:
>>> >Error in sqlite3_step():
>>> >UNIQUE constraint failed: voxel_res_int.int_5
>>> >ERROR: Unable to insert new record: insert into voxel_res_int values (
>>> 2,
>>> >1015614, 1048407, 2665, 4)
>>> >WARNING: Table <voxel_res_int> linked to vector map <voxel_res_int> does
>>> >not exist
>>> can you share the 10 first lines of the input ascii file?
>>> kind regards
>>> Helmut
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