<TITLE>Problems with the .dxf format from Illustrator</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Verdana">Hi folks,<BR>
I’ve been having trouble importing contour lines I’ve created in Adobe Illustrator to GRASS vector lines. I’ve been trying to export them to .dxf format then using v.in.dxf. I had someone else take a look at the files. They noted the message “Following dxf layers found:” then nothing. He was able to put them on a microstation that he uses for CAD work and was able to reexport them to dxf format. He was then able to use BBEdit to change the format from Macintosh to UNIX. That was, BTW, something I was unable to do.<BR>
Is there something odd about the way Adobe Illustrator exports .dxf files? If there is, could someone recommend a work-around?<BR>
Kurt Springs</FONT>