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<div align="center"><big><big><b>GRASS MAPS PROJECT<br>
Samples of GRASS Products<br>
<div align="left">Description:<br>
GRASS MAPS (proposed project name) is a project that hopes to gather
samples of what GRASS users are producing around the world. We hope to
collect these samples and produce a print quality PDF file available
for print on demand. Our first milestone is to gather 10 samples (more
if supply is aiavailable) including maps and information about them. A
suggested timeline is to have a polished product at the next GRASS
users meeting in Lausanne - Switzerland [<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.foss4g2006.org/">http://www.foss4g2006.org/</a>].
It is feasable to have it ready before then.<br>
This project has a few motivations. First, to provide the GRASS
community with promotional aids. Second, to showcase the capabilities
of GRASS outside the imediate GRASS community. Third, to act as a
networking resource for GRASS users to see who is using GRASS and how.
These are only a few motivations.<br>
At the last Open Geopspatial / MUM / GRASS meetings/conference
(Minneapolis, Minn. USA), a few drinks were shared, and it was thought
we should suggest the idea to the GRASS community (Thanks Markus).<br>
Similar products are produced by major proprietary GIS software
companies used for promoting the capabilities of their product. The
GRASS MAPS project will provide a means for the GRASS
community to publish or present similar promo material in a
colaborative environment. With print on demand services you don't have
to worry about overhead costs as you print ONLY what you need. Also,
you only pay for shipping once, from the printer to your client (or
your office). With the GRASS community worldwide supporting GRASS MAPS
you will have a large cross section of sample applications. As a
networking tool, GRASS MAPS will provide example work and contact
information of all contributors allowing for a qucik reference of who's
who in GRASS production.<br>
Promotional material such of the GRASS MAPS project will provide many
opportunities for GRASS users and stakeholders. it can aid in providing
a rationale to include GFOSS (Geographic Free and Open Source Software)
such as GRASS in projects, it might be dificult to come up with easily
available samples, especialy representing a large cross section of
applications. <br>
A copy of GRASS MAPS can provide the winning edge to close a business
contract, receive research funding, and win your next geomatics
proposal. With the increase of GIS software at the undergraduate level
GRASS MAPS can provide the push to see GRASS working in educational
institutes along side the growing selection of freely provided
proprietary software (At least here in North America). Moreorver, it
can be a tool to help convince managers to allow the installation of
GRASS in a GIS workshop. And finaly it could provide a classy
deliverable to project sponsors and funders.<br>
A Typical Submission (one page):<br>
One or more high quality print ready maps<br>
Project Description including what the maps represent<br>
Project Association (corporate, research, academic)<br>
Project contacts (name, e-mail, web page)<br>
Project date and duration<br>
Project partner/funder logos (depending on what we want to flavour to
indication of MAJOR tools or functions used (eg r.flow)<br>
Indication of CUSTOM tools developed for the production of said map and
their source location (new or modified tools, scripts or moduals)<br>
Getting involved<br>
To start with I am seeing what the interest level of such a project
would be. At present I can act as a central point at
(OGUG_at_sympatico.ca) until further infrastructure is ready. It would
be nice to have a dedicated list server (mailman), a chunk of working
webspace (wiki esque) and an FTP area for contribution management. If
you can contribute any of these let me know.<br>
proposed project outlineIncluding:<br>
---------------------------------- <br>
* graphic specs<br>
* word counts <br>
* fonts schemes<br>
* submission formats (LATEX? or simple text)<br>
* print on demand provider (Markus had one in mind).<br>
* Paper size, type<br>
* Binding type, quality<br>
* Cover design and content<br>
* ISBN cataloging<br>
* potential regular subscribers / buyers (eg. Libraries, schools,
associations etc etc)<br>
* publication frequency and date (eg. once a year in September)<br>
* Maximum contributions (before they roll over to the next scheduled
As with most start-up projects their will be a few hitches to overcome.
I would like to make this project as wide reaching as possible, and
language will be an obvious barrier. Logistics of colaborative projects
are greatly aided through infrastructor, and we have none setup for the
project yet. This project will require help from all areas of
experience and expertise, we have to form that team. <br>
With respects to communication it would be nice to have a dedicated
representative from each of the international language groups
[<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://grass.itc.it/community/usergroups.php">http://grass.itc.it/community/usergroups.php</a>]. I see the initial
project being english centric [personal bias], but with the support of
others I hope the publication can represent submissions translated from
many laguages to english. The next logical step is to translate the
final product back to those language groups. I have never embarked on
any laguage/border crossing projects so I would like to look to the
international community for support.<br>
For infrastructure I would like to see a dedicated list server, working
web space, FTP and storage.<br>
For the team, I believe in determining your goals, develop your
infrastructure, find the right people for the right tasks, then divide
and conquer. We have under a year to meet our first goal.<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
|Dave Sampson: Geographic Information System (GIS) Technician |
|                         |
|Centre for Sustainable Watersheds                 |
|Cooperative Approaches to Protect Canada's Water Resources        |
|                         |
|14 Water St, P.O Box 280. Portland Ontario, Canada. K0G 1V0 |
|Lat: 44.700 Long: -76.19         |
|<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.watersheds.ca">www.watersheds.ca</a> <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:gis@watersheds.ca">gis@watersheds.ca</a>                 |