I need to estimate the areas of a set of lagoons for differente water
height scenarios.
I am using the SRTM 30 DEM and I was hoping to apply r.fill.dir, to get
the water height.<br>
The documentation for <a href="http://r.fill.in">r.fill.in</a> stgates that "The procedure takes an
elevation layer as input and initially fills all the depressions with
one pass across the layer".
Unfortunately, there is no specification as to how tis is done. I have
searched for the paper describign the algortihm on whihc <a href="http://r.fill.in">r.fill.in</a> is
based "Software Tools to Extract Structure from Digital Elevation Data
for Geographic Information System Analysis" by S.K. Jenson and J.O.
Domingue (1988). but I have been unable to find it in the internet.
I need to ask two questions:
1) is there any other method you would reccomend in addition to
r.fill.dir to compute water height/areas ratio for depressions using a DEM?
2) Anybody has a copy of the above cited paper or a detailed
description of the algortuhm?
Cheers thanks
Armando Scalise
<a href="http://il.com">il.com</a>