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<TITLE>Dependency problem in debian - testing (etch)</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>For some reason one of the mysql packages in debian-testing has changed it's name from<BR>
libmysqlclient15 to libmysqlclient15off, and then grass cannot presently be installed.<BR>
Well, it can, using dpkg --force-depends, and then it seems to work fine, (I am not using mysql in conncetion with grass, so that part may be broken) but it will block further upgrades, or be trown out during the next upgrade.<BR>
the grass related lines in my sources.list are:<BR>
deb <A HREF="http://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/debian-gis">http://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/debian-gis</A> unstable main non-free contrib<BR>
deb-src <A HREF="http://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/debian-gis">http://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/debian-gis</A> unstable main non-free contrib<BR>