Dear grasslist<br><br>Suppose i do have a data base with two tables.<br><br>The first table with geographic information of boreholes: east,<br>west, and elevation coordinates an id and some other information<br>like quality and observations.
<br><br>id | east | west | elev | quality<br>-----------------------------------------------<br>1 | xx1 | yy1 | zz1 | blah blah<br>2 | xx2 | yy2 | zz2 | blah blah <br><br>The second table is the log information of the boreholes. For each id
<br>(each borehole) it has multiple records with, let's say, stratigraphic<br>information: top level, base level a geological description, maybe some<br>rock type classification and so on.<br><br>id | cat | top | bottom | log
<br>-----------------------------------------------<br>1 | 1 | z11 | z12 | rock<br>1 | 2 | z21 | z22 | another rock<br>1 | 3 | z31 | z32 | soil<br>
2 | 4 | z41 | z42 | rock<br><br clear="all">The question is:<br><br>if i have loaded the borehole table into grass with<br>Which is the method to connect the log table with the borehole<br>
vector, indeed how do i display the borehole data and query the<br>log table over a borehole point?<br><br>d.vect borehole<br>d.what.vect -t log ?<br><br>-- <br>Patricio Toledo Peña<br>Dpto. de Geofísica - Universidad de Chile
<br>Blanco Encalada 2002-Casilla 2777<br>Santiago-Chile