Hello,<br> I'm trying to georeference a chart in PDF into a lat-long location. I first convert it into JPG, import it into the unreferenced location using r.in.gdal and so on (as seen on the tutorial). I need to digitize most lines of the original chart and it looks tedious. I've tried using
r.thin (to convert it to vector with r.lines), but I get the following:<br><br>GRASS 6.0.2 (lemd):~/a > r.thin input=a_rect output=a_lines<br>File a_rect -- 3333333 rows X 3333333 columns<br>(null): open_file: error writing temporary file
<br><br> Does anyone know how to solve this? Anyway, is it possible to directly georeference the original chart in some vectorial format converted from the PDF without having to make the conversion to an image?<br> Thanks very much in advance, and excuse this newbie questions. Regards,
<br><br>Juan Daniel López<br><br><br>