sorry for the repetitive posting about the same issue, but i'm
determined to get this. I have been at this for a week, but think
I finally found what i need to do. hopefully there is a way to
automate this effort. i'm not getting the results i would
I whittled my data down to a subset because running on
28,000 lines with 208 points took 3 days. when i used 2,000 lines
and 17 pionts i was able to get some results quicker and try to figure
out whats wrong.<br>
i have points (buildings) and lines (streets). I used v.distance
to make the connecting lines. i used v.category to add categories
to the connecting lines, because all the cats were zero. when i
would patch them together like this, the connectors wound up on on
layer 0. not sure if this matters for network analysis.
when i add categories and patch them together, the lines are on layer 1
and the points are on layer 1. all seems good so far. <br>
v.clean.... i am very familiar with vector data editing and operations
in a/i, but i dont understand the outputs from v.clean. i have
used default values and also specified thresholds. not all the
lines get snapped to new lines from the connectors to the
streets. in the last run of 17, 1 line did not intersect/snap to
the streets, even with varying thresholds. i found that i had to
use v.digit to add a verticie and split the line prior to v.clean
(after knowing which lines were not snapping).<br>
Is there a way to automate this? Does v.clean have to have a
verticie in the threshold radius to snap to the street lines? Or
can it snap nodes to lines when a verticie is not in the threshold?<br>
Using v.distance, i would expect the connectors to be exactly at the
street lines. in the event that they are such a fraction of a
distance from the streets, a "1" threshold should get them snapped to
the streets. any reason why it wouldnt? it seems that there
has to be a verticie in the threshold and the man pages illude to this
as well<br>