I have a vector layer that contains lines which define a polygon.<br>I have attempted to build a polygon from the layer but have not had much luck.<br><br>I have used v.clean input=bnd output=bndc tool=snap thres=0.0001 to snap any small dangles together (my data is in lats/longs) which output the following;
<br><br><font size="1">+---------------------------------+---------------+<br>| Tool | Threshold |<br>+---------------------------------+---------------+<br>| Snap vertices |
1.000000e-04 |<br>+---------------------------------+---------------+<br>Copying vector lines ...<br>--------------------------------------------------<br>Rebuilding parts of topology ...<br>Building topology ...<br>234 primitives registered
<br>Topology was built.<br>Number of nodes : 238<br>Number of primitives: 234<br>Number of points : 0<br>Number of lines : 234<br>Number of boundaries: 0<br>Number of centroids : 0<br>Number of areas : -
<br>Number of isles : -<br>--------------------------------------------------<br>Tool: Snap line to vertex in threshold<br>All vertices: 2140<br>Registered points (unique coordinates): 1910<br>Nodes marked as anchor : 1837
<br>Nodes marked to be snapped : 79<br>Snapped vertices : 88<br>New vertices : 3<br>--------------------------------------------------<br>Rebuilding topology for output vector ...<br>Building topology ...<br>
234 primitives registered<br>Building areas: 100%<br>0 areas built<br>0 isles built<br>Attaching islands:<br>Attaching centroids: 100%<br>Topology was built.<br>Number of nodes : 235<br>Number of primitives: 234
<br>Number of points : 0<br>Number of lines : 234<br>Number of boundaries: 0<br>Number of centroids : 0<br>Number of areas : 0<br>Number of isles : 0</font><br><br>I then used v.build map=bndc error=err option=build --overwrite which output the following;
<br><br><font size="1">Building topology ...<br>234 primitives registered<br>Building areas: 100%<br>0 areas built<br>0 isles built<br>Attaching islands:<br>Attaching centroids: 100%<br>Topology was built.<br>Number of nodes : 235
<br>Number of primitives: 234<br>Number of points : 0<br>Number of lines : 234<br>Number of boundaries: 0<br>Number of centroids : 0<br>Number of areas : 0<br>Number of isles : 0<br>WARNING: The vector 'err' already exists and will be overwritten.
<br>Building topology ...<br>0 primitives registered<br>0 areas built<br>0 isles built<br>Attaching islands:<br>Attaching centroids: Topology was built.<br>Number of nodes : 0<br>Number of primitives: 0<br>Number of points : 0
<br>Number of lines : 0<br>Number of boundaries: 0<br>Number of centroids : 0<br>Number of areas : 0<br>Number of isles : 0</font><br><br>Obviously there were no polygons created.<br>Regardless of the combinations I try (ie
v.clean with the break option, followed by v.clean with the snap option) I am unable to create a polygon.<br>I have added the shapefile into QGIS and physically viewed the line to check if there are any gaps - which there aren't.
<br><br>What am I missing?<br><br>I am using grass 6.0.1 on gentoo.<br><br>Craig<br><br>