Hi all,<br><br>I would like to know how i can export, say, 12 grass rasters (call them map.1 to map.12) into a single GeoTiff file.<br>Looks like r.out.gdal allows only one band Geotiff?<br>What about gdal_translate? I used gdal_translate to import from Netcdf to multi-band GeoTiff months ago, but am not sure how it works for exporting from Grass to multi-band GeoTiff.
<br><br>maybe something like :<br>gdal_translate -ot Int16 -of GTiff -b 1 -b 2 ... -b 12 map.1 map.2 ...map.12 out.tiff<br>would the above work?<br><br>if this cannot be done, i need to export into some other multi-band format - would exporting to Erdas Imagine (.img) format work for multi-band?