Hi,<br><br>I got two raster files imported in Grass using r.in.gdal, one represents a dem, the other is a "drape". (the files originated from ArcGIS)<br>I am setting up a WebGis app (apache, mapserver, php_mapscript) and need a tiff layer to represent elevation and have a image background to put my vectors/points on.
<br><br>I tried to export the dem file with r.out.gdal, but I obtain something similar to a negative a b/w image with no colors!<br>Tried several 'createopt' but still with no success. <br>With Grass6.2 everything looks fine.
<br><br>Whats' wrong? Should I merge the two raster files first?<br>I am not a "GIS geek" so any kind of help will be appreciate.<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">thanx<br>raffaele<br></div>