Having lots of fun with the r.sim.water module. very cool
stuff! Now if I can understand the outputs a little more clearly.<br>
My input data used were in a projection defined as feet, the elevations
are in feet, on a 5 foot X 5 foot grid. I recognize that the
outputs are in meters (depth) and cubic meters (discharge), and that
the inputs for rainfall excess (6.6mm/hr) and rainfall infiltration
excess ( 0mm/hr) are in mm/hr. The 6.3 documentation/manual
indicates that the input data is acceptable in feet for elevin, dxin,
At a critical downstream location, the elevation is 62 feet. The
output values are (based on the input values provided above) at this
location are 110 meters for depth, and 38,050 cubic meters for
Recognizing that for infiltration excess I inputted 0mm/hr needs to be
greater than zero for realistic results (still have to adjust that
input parameter). The discharge in volume seems intuitive (but
still validating output), however, it is the depth that I do not
understand. As per the manual, depth is an average and err is its
RMSE. <br>
Is the depth a relative or absolute value with regard to the
elevation? Meaning should my depth be something like 3 feet (1
meter) as a theoretical result, which means at that location at the end
of the event, the average depth is 3 feet of water? Or is the
output in absolute elevation saying that the water depth will be at
this elevation, say 65 feet elevation (62 + 3 foot depth)? <br>
Thanks for any clarification or help!<br>