hy everybody,<br>I am working on a project involving geografical data. I used grass61 until the end of june, now I reinstalled my system and but grass62.<br><br>The problem is that when I try to use v.report on a layer containing points.
<br>v.report map=roadmapCleanedAndSplit layer=1 option=coor<br><br>strangely the list I get includes only the x coordinate, y coodinate is missing.<br><br>output:<br>cat|type|name|active|line|segment|x|y<br>16021||||||681109.126691232
<br>16022||||||678959.20221614<br><br>it worked fine before I reinstalled the system.<br><br>what am I doing wrong?<br><br>thanks<br>dziadgba<br><br><br>