I can't figure out how to solve a problem with a line feature shapefile I have. It has been wrongly created as 81 single lines touching each other with their vertexes. I need to merge the lines into a unique line. I've tried with
v.edit and the merge tool, two times. First time it gave me 32 lines, the second I receive the following result:<br><br>1 of 4 features selected from vector map <costa@PERMANENT><br><br>Only 1 lines found, at least two needed
<br><br>-1 lines merged<br>Building topology ...<br>Registering lines: <br>4 primitives registered <br>Building areas: <br><br>0 areas built <br>0 isles built<br>Attaching islands: <br>Attaching centroids: <br><br>
Topology was built.<br>Number of nodes : 5<br>Number of primitives: 4<br>Number of points : 0<br>Number of lines : 4<br>Number of boundaries: 0<br>Number of centroids : 0<br>Number of areas : 0
<br>Number of isles : 0<br><br>v.edit complete. <br><br>I can't understand what it means: it says it selected 4 lines but then just 1 line has been found. the post build report lists 4 lines... I'm a bit confused.
<br>I've manually merged all the categories too with v.digit, but nothing seems to change (neither better nor worst!).<br><br>What am I doing wrong? What's the best method to achieve my task?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Giovanni