1.)I have downloaded grass-6-2.3. and then i add r.example into raster dir. make neccasy change inn the make file .<br>
2)when i run make in raster/ dir ..error comes permanent mapset:permission denied<br>
as suggested by jachym i tried to download the source ..but it require subversion...so i went for grass-6.2.3..am i wrong here??<br>
3) I configure ,make,make install the grass-6.2.3/ dir<br>
4) run grass62<br>
please tell me how could i run my own sample file ..<br>
after i run grass how it's effect could be seen ...<br>
r.example is taken from <br>
<a href="http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass/trunk/doc/raster/r.example">http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass/trunk/doc/raster/r.example</a><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Thanks & Regards<br><br>Kunal Malik<br>