Hello list,<br><br>someone know how to select features (lines) which are completely within a polygon layer?<br><br>I have one layer two layers, one with the country boundary (i.e. USA) and another with the states boundaries (i.e. USA states Alabama, Arizon, etc.). The original data are polygon features. Since i need only the boundaries I have processed the layers and converted them into line features.<br>
<br>The problem appears when I try to remove the common boundaries (country-state). So I need only the inner states boundaries. So I have tried to select, with v.select, the lines (boundaries) which are completely within the country (polygon), without the common country boundary. I have tried as well with v.overlay (xor). But without positive results. <br>
<br><br>Can someone help me?<br><br>Thanks<br><br>Manuel<br>