Hi,<br />
I am trying to get the profile (height) of a road network. I am following a similar idea than you, but have troubles to get it working (mainly because I have problems with the syntax of awk and grep). Maybe you could explain what happens in each line of your script so it is easier for me to understand ...<br />
<br />
thanks ,<br />
konstantin<br />
<br />
<pre><br /><br />#spearfish dataset<br />VMAP=railroads<br />QMAP=slope<br />OUT=rr_slope_points<br /><br />v.out.ascii "$VMAP" format=standard | grep '^ [0-9]' | \<br /> grep -v ^' 1 ' | awk '{print $1 "," $2}' | \<br /> r.profile -g -c in="$QMAP" --quiet 2> /dev/null | \<br /> grep -v ' \* ' | cut -f1,2,4,5 -d' ' | \<br /> v.in.ascii x=1 y=2 out="$OUT" fs=space \<br /> columns='x double, y double, slope double, GRASSRGB varchar(11)'<br /><br />d.vect -a "$OUT" size=0 width=2<br /><br /><br />(line vertices only; bug: includes profiles between line jumps...)<br /><br /><br />Hamish</pre>