Hello Folks,<br><br>I am trying to create a shaded relief map based on a 30-meter NED file using r.shaded.relief. The results are very 'blocky' (or stair-stepped). Running a 5-cell average neighborhood across the DEM did not help. Can somebody tell me the correct procedures I should follow to create the relief map that is smooth? <br clear="all">
<br>I've put a screenshot of my initial shaded relief map up here to show you what I'm talking about... <br><a href="http://www.rlogis.com/GMaps/test/grass64_shadrel.jpg">http://www.rlogis.com/GMaps/test/grass64_shadrel.jpg</a><br>
<br>Thank You Much.<br>-- <br>Tripp Lowe<br>