I'm not even really there yet. I've followed the following steps:<div><br></div><div>Created an undefined XY location for importing</div><div>Created a defined UTM location for georeferencing</div><div>r.in.gdal (don't have the exact line written down, but it worked, I have displayed the TIFF as a raster)</div>
<div>i.group group=map input=state@PERMANENT (assigned the one image to a group)</div><div>i.target group=map@PERMANENT location=georeference mapset=permanent (targeted the UTM location)</div><div>d.mon start=x0 (started the monitor)</div>
<div>Here's where it gets... not good.</div><div>i.points group=map@PERMANENT (attempt to start identifying points)</div><div>and I get this:</div><div><div>Target information for group [map] missing</div><div>Please run i.target for group map</div>
<div><br></div><div>Not really sure what's going on here... tried it multiple ways. Any suggestions? Thanks!</div><div><br></div><div>Joe</div></div>