Hi you all!<br><br>I'm having problems with v.in.ogr. This command fails and stops in the middle of the process (I'm working on the <a href="http://www.ing.unitn.it/~grass/docs/tutorial_62_en">http://www.ing.unitn.it/~grass/docs/tutorial_62_en</a> tutorial). The output tab of this tool says it's "Importing map 1755 features..." but nothing happens (and terminal don't show me the prompt). When I close <a href="http://v.in.org">v.in.org</a> and ask to display the "imported" vector, it just shows an insignificant part of the vector (compared to the picture on tutorial). And the output to d.vect says that "coor files of vector contours is larger than it should be (239 bytes excess)" and "cannot display areas, topology not available'. What should that mean?<br>
<br>I've searched on the mailing list and someone told in a similar situation that it's probably due to trying to import a big dataset, but I don't think that's the case because the data is from a tutorial and have been tested.<br>
<br> I've tried others gdal tools and it worked fine: the OGR Vector Converter in QGIS (I've tested converting shp->kml) and the gdal_translate and gdalwarp on terminal.<br><br>I'm working in Ubuntu 8.10 and I've installed GRASS through apt. Any guess of what's wrong (or what I'm doing wrong)?<br>