Greetings All<div><br></div><div>First of all let me warn you that I'm new at GRASS :)</div><div><br></div><div>Ok, I need to use ESA GLOBCOVER product for a certain area of the map (Belgium) and I'm not sure I'm doing this right.</div>
<div><br></div><div>1- I have defined location folder</div><div>2- Defined "Read Projection and datum terms from a georreferenced file" where I chose my GLOBCOVER file</div><div>3- Then I inserted a top/bottom Lat and left/right Lon. I imagine a square around Belgium</div>
<div>4- Then I import my European GLobcover image (bigger then my defined region).</div><div>And it seems to be working :)</div><div><br></div><div>Now, If I have an image (e.g. IKONOS) with a ddiferent coordinates system, when I import, GDAL automatically converts to my coordinate system? And how about image resolution? because, IKONOS has a bigger resolution. Will it be changed to be according to Region set and with Globcover product?</div>