Greetings all<div><br></div><div>I've been reading a Remote Sensing classic "Remote Sensing and Image intepretation" by Lillesand and Kiefer. :)</div><div>By Those guys Minimum Mapping Units are the smallest size areal entity to be mapped as a discrete area.</div>
<div>They also state that: The size of a minimum area that can be mapped as any particular land use/land cover class depends on the scale and resolution of the satellite images."</div><div>Ok, now my "situation" :). I need to produce a few land cover maps, after classification, with an aggregation of a defined minimum mapping unit(MMU) for a scale of 1:50000. As far as I can see, I would say that MMU would be minumum size of a polygon that can be mapped. For istance what Would I have to do to aggregate a classification map with a minimum area of 20 km^2?</div>
<div><br></div><div>Thanks</div><div><br></div><div>Best regards</div>