<div dir="ltr">Hi, <br>I am working trying to transform my lat/long datum d_wgs_1984 to
the Behrmann cylindrical equal area projection. I have read conflicting
information on whether this is a format supported by PROJ.4, but when I
have tried some functions in GRASS they have all failed ending in the
following error: No translation for Behrmann to PROJ.4 format is known.<br>
I have been using the g.proj command and have tried using WKT, PROJ.4,
*.prj files, and importing a georeferenced TIF with the Behrman
projection (set in arcGIS) but I always receive this error. I am listing
here the wkt that I had been using<br>
<br>This is what the wkt looks like (I accessed this through <a href="http://www.spatialreference.org/ref/esri/54017/" target="_blank">http://www.spatialreference.org/ref/esri/54017/</a>)<br>I
did try to use this ESGS # 54017, but this resulted in an error:#ERROR
6: EPSG PCS/GCS code 54017 not found in EPSG support files. Is this a
valid EPSG coordinate system?<br>
<br><pre>PROJCS["World_Behrmann",<br> GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",<br> DATUM["WGS_1984",<br> SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],<br> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],<br>
<br> UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],<br> PROJECTION["Behrmann"],<br> PARAMETER["False_Easting",0],<br> PARAMETER["False_Northing",0],<br> PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",0],<br>
<br> UNIT["Meter",1],<br> AUTHORITY["EPSG","54017"]]</pre><br>Any
further ideas on how to reproject my data (which is the entire western
hemisphere, ie. northern and southern hemisphere) into this equal area
projection <br>
would be great.<br><br>Thanks hugely in advance, <br>Ilona<br>-- <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Ilona Naujokaitis-Lewis<br><a href="mailto:ilona.naujo.lewis@gmail.com">ilona.naujo.lewis@gmail.com</a><br>phone: 647.668.6239<br>