dear,<br>i installed qgis and was successfully on opensuse 11.4. when installe qgis, there are many dependency file : <br>- FastCGI<br>- gpsbabel<br>- grass<br>- grass-docs<br>- libgdal1<br>- libgeos0<br>- libgeotiff2<br>- libnetcdf4<br>
- libopenjpeg2_0<br>- libproj0<br>- libqwt5<br>- libspatialite1<br>- libxerces-c-3_0<br>- netcdf<br>- proj4<br>- python-gdal<br>- qgis<br>- sqlite3<br>- xerces-c<br>i enter these file in one folder to become repository using yast, i installed qgis. it was successfully.<br>
at the above list, there is grass file that i had to search to get the dependency too. so, when qgis was installed, grass was should installed too. <br>but, i don't find grass in start menu. i just find qgis. where grass application in opensuse 11.4 ?<br>
anyone know this ?<br>thanks. <br><br><br>