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On 26/11/2011 22:09, Daniel Lee wrote:
type="cite">Okay, sorry to bug again, but now I do have kind of
the same problem again. Here we go:
<div>v.out.ogr only gives me the field cat in the attribute table,
all other fields are gone:</div>
<div>v.out.ogr input=Buildings@PERMANENT type=area
dsn=/tmp/buildings.shp layer=2 --overwrite</div>
<div>The geometries are exported, but no attributes from layer 2
come with. In GRASS I can see that the attributes are readable
in layer 2. I really need these attributes in the shapefile, or
I need to be able to export the geometries directly, together
with the attributes, to PostGIS - the goal is to show them in a
Geoserver. Any ideas?</div>
Does the PostGIS "buildings" table have a "geometry" column (usually
'the_geom') ?<br>
If v.out.ogr is successful this PostGIS table will be a spatial
table. All you need to do is include the geometry column when
creating the views, and these views should be displayable in
The multiple cat rows are probably due to the OUTER JOIN...<br>
<div>Oh, and a tip for anyone that struggles with similar things:
I just revised my SQL script to make the views so that entries
in the table buildings_globalstrahlung_dachflaeche that don't
have a matching entry in gebaeude_nutzflaeche still come with
into the new view. I did that by, rather than using the operator
JOIN, using OUTER JOIN.</div>
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